Pandemics, Epidemics, Academics. Projects on the medical traditions in South Asia and Tibet

Besides the epidemics project, the Viennese Department of South Asian, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies (ISTB) houses two other research projects on medical traditions focusing on Āyurveda and Tibetan medicine:

To highlight this research focus, we organize a one-day workshop introducing first findings by the involved scholars.

June 23, 2023, physically at the University of Vienna, ISTB, SR1.
Online event: (Meeting-ID: 680 8045 5024; access code: 302045). We start at 9:30 am CEST.
More details on the event can be fond at the ISTB website.

My contribution will be on The Threats of Adharma and Environmental Disturbances: Understanding Epidemics in Pre-modern South Asia. I will focus on theories and speculations about the causes of epidemics and similar events as found in the early pre-modern ayurvedic sources.