
resulting from research within the frame of the epidemics project:

  • Angermeier, Vitus. 2022. “The Seasons in Ancient Indian Medicine: Long Winters or Extensive Rains?”. History of Science in South Asia 10 (2022): 247-71.
  • Vitus Angermeier and Anja Vukadin. 2024. “Causes of Suffering: Unravelling Suśruta and Sāṅkhya.” Studia Orientalia Electronica 12 (2024): 1–23.

Earlier publications

by the project team, related to the project theme:

  • Angermeier, Vitus. 2007. „Über die Auslöschung von Land und Leuten. Die Ursachen von Massensterben und Schutzmaßnahmen gegen diese gemäß Carakasaṃhitā, Vi. 3“. Diploma thesis. Universität Wien.
  • Angermeier, Vitus. 2020. „Krankheitsprävention im Ayurveda: Pragmatisches Recycling und historische Brüche“. polylog 42: Gesundheit und Heilung: 7–20.
    An unabridged draft version of this article is freely available here:
  • Angermeier, Vitus. “Dharma and the Physicians: Ethic Reflections in Early Ayurvedic Literature.” In Visages Du Dharma, edited by Christèle Barois and Silvia D’Intino, 71–94. Puruṣārtha 39. Paris: éditions EHESS, 2023.
    Accepted manuscript:
  • Angermeier, Vitus. forthc. „Causes of Suffering: From the Buddha to Ayurveda“. In Puṣpikā: Tracing Ancient India Through Texts and Traditions: Contributions to Current Research in Indology, ed. Valters Negribs and Yiming Shen. Oxford: Oxford University Research Archive.
    Accepted manuscript:
  • Bowles, Adam. 2007. Dharma, Disorder, and the Political in Ancient India: The Āpaddharmaparvan of the Mahābhārata. Leiden: Brill.
  • Bronkhorst, Johannes. 2021. „Plagues and Brahmins: Did a Combination of Epidemics and Ideology Empty India’s Cities?“ In Body and Cosmos. Studies in Early Indian Medical and Astral Sciences in Honor of Kenneth G. Zysk, ed. Toke Lindegaard Knudsen, Jacob Schmidt-Madsen, and Sara Speyer. Leiden: Brill, 184–208.
  • Wujastyk, Dominik. 1987. „‚A Pious Fraud‘: The Indian claims for pre-Jennerian smallpox vaccination“. In Studies on Indian Medical History. Papers Presented at the International Workshop on the Study of Indian Medicine Held at the Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine, 2-4 September 1985, ed. Gerrit Jan Meulenbeld and Dominik Wujastyk. Groningen: Forsten, 121–54.
  • Wujastyk, Dominik. 2001. The Roots of Āyurveda. Selections from Sanskrit Medical Writings. Revised Edition. New Delhi: Penguin Books India.
  • Wujastyk, Dominik. 2017. „Models of Disease in Ayurvedic Medicine“. In The Routledge History of Disease, ed. Mark Jackson. London: Routledge, 38–53.
  • Zysk, Kenneth G. 2000. „Does Ancient Indian Medicine Have a Theory of Contagion?“ In Contagion: Perspectives from Pre-Modern Societies, ed. Lawrence I. Conrad and Dominik Wujastyk. Aldershot: Ashgate, 79–96.